幸运飞行艇官网开奖直播 飞艇168官方开奖直播结果 The Buddy System

There is nothing quite like it. Surfing is a way of being connected to a deeper deep, an older old.
An illustration of two green surfboards, face down in the sand at the edge of the water.

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Inside Superiority Burger

Brett Martin | GQ | April 26, 2023 | 3,834 words

“How did chef and former punk drummer Brooks Headley turn his all-vegetarian vision for a rock and roll diner into the season’s hottest new restaurant?”

The King in the Endgame

David Hill | The Ringer | April 25, 2023 | 3,243 words

“Magnus Carlsen’s legacy is still being written.”

The Quest for Longevity Is Already Over

Matt Reynolds | Wired | April 26, 2023 | 2,084 words

“For Robine, each supercentenarian is a crucial datapoint in the quest to answer a big question: Is there an upper limit to the human lifespan?”

Rachel Weisz and the Glorious Horrors of Pregnancy

Alexandra Kleeman | The New York Times Magazine | April 21, 2023 | 3,250 words

“Her brilliant streaming remake of the psychosexual thriller “Dead Ringers” has a refreshing new perspective on childbirth.”


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